B. CERT Assignment Tracking Log * Helping disaster survivors cope with their emotional stressors, 1) Utilities In the distance you can see heavy smoke rising from the electrical plant, the very same electrical plant used to power your town and several major cities in the area and that you saw on the news last night cited as a potential target for a recently uncovered terrorist plot. D. Call for backup, While stopping frequently to listen, you hear a faint cry for help from the corner of the room. Having a centralized contact point makes it possible to communicate damage assessments and allocate volunteer resources more effectively. D. Mix in 8 tablespoons of non-perfumed chlorine bleach and wait for 30 seconds, What acronym does the medical community use to remember what to look for when conducting a rapid assessment? Citizen Corps is administered by ______ but implemented locally. * Credit card systems inoperable. A, bounce back much more efficiently after a disaster and tend to rely less on outside resources to return to normal &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&\textbf{Cost}&\textbf{Amortization}&\textbf{Net}\\ A. Anaphylaxis A. DCAP-PMS B. A. A. items for infants "Assigning volunteers after a disaster can be difficult, because you don't know how . Which of the eight signs of a terrorist attack did the security guard notice? Continue to conduct a size-up from a safe distance outside of the building CERTs are a _______________ to professional responders until they are able to arrive, Community preparedness is a ________________ in lessening the impact of disasters. SALT C. DCAP-BTLS D. IDMD-SALT, While it is impossible to be sure out in the field, you should assume that: A. pet items \textbf{Cash flow from monetary transactions}\\ A. assignidentitytobodysegmentsf. B. food items B. car Possible Effects are: * Loss of service B. Damage to . * Natural (e.g., earthquakes, wildfires, floods, extreme heat, hurricanes, landslides, thunderstorms, tornadoes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, winter storms) Shelter in place: sealing a room. Expert answered| emdjay23 |Points 196925| Log in for more information. B. food items * The public. \quad\text{Agency securities}&\underline{\text{\hspace{25pt}0.1}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{25pt}0.1}}\\ CERT members who encounter no need in their immediate area then report to their staging area, where they take on ______________________ based on overall area needs. * Goggles 1112EnvironmentalSafetyCo.(a)$2,62510113JenkinsCo.(b)1,05018114Eco-Systems(c)1,60027115TEKCorp.(d)965$6,240(e)\begin{array}{rccc} D. Rescue Command System (RCS), In the CERT command structure, how is the CERT leader established? \text{h. genetic mosaics} & \text{8. when a null allele is dominant to a wild-type allele}\\ Make Decisions 7. \text{Other property, plant, and equipment}&\underline{\text{\hspace{15pt}10.3}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{15pt}10.8}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{19pt}--}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{20pt}5.5}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{7pt}10.3}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{12pt}5.3}}\\ Three UNITEDSTATESGOVERNMENTStatementsofChangesinCashBalancefromUnifiedBudgetandOtherActivitiesFortheYearsEndedSeptember30,2016,and2015(inbillionsofdollars)\begin{array}{c} Blanket carry Gas line ruptures Before an emergency happens, sit down together and decide how you will get in contact with each other, where you will go, and what you will do in an emergency. On November 14, Hydro Clothing sold the remaining shares at $7 per share. What's your next course of action? Test the extinguisher after pulling the pin \text{i. segmentation genes} & \text{9. a DNA-binding motif found in certain transcription factors}\\ User: The CERT Program trains community . A. Once you have a family disaster plan, you should. Family disaster plan questions to consider. The Student Self-Service Portal allows you to print or download Independent Study (IS) Completion Certificates, Student IS Transcripts (for personal or employer use) and Official IS Transcripts (for educational institutions only). regulativedeterminationc. They are trying to ensure that the market reaches an equilibrium I cant understand whats happening here, said Mike Holt, president of Severson Products, Inc. We always seem to bid too high on jobs that require a lot of labor time in the Finishing Department, and we always seem to get every job we bid on that requires a lot of machine time in the Milling Department. E. They are trying to increase the demand curve. 'Getting involved' focuses on finding opportunities to support community and workplace preparedness before an emergency occurs. Budgeted overhead costs in each department for the current year are as follows: Cafeteria$320,000CustodialServices65,400MachineryMaintenance93,600Milling416,000Finishing166,000Totalbudgetedcost$1,061,000\begin{array}{lrr} Damage to . D. Flow of needed supplies (e.g., food, water) is interrupted, What are possible structural impacts? 4 drops a. law enforcement, public health services, and fire and rescue A. A. Arterial B. Venous C. Capillary D. Mortal, What is the first thing you do to stop the bleeding? B. suppressionofgeneexpressionbydouble-strandedRNA8. 7 we don't do anything normal. Increase in alcohol or drug consumption https://www.ready.gov/sites/default/files/2019.CERT_.BasicPPT.FINAL_.508c.pptx Executive office of the president C. Assess for airway, bleeding, and low body temperature A. \quad\text{Repayment of principal on direct loans}&\text{(11.6)}&\text{17.4}\\ Weekly CERT newsletters B. CERTS provide support while professional emergency responders focus on more dangerous, skilled, and critical assignments. I'm heading in that direction now." Seek clean air and protect breathing passages 4. (1) identify and aid members who might need assistance A more resilient community will be able to Community coalitions ______________ relationships, a framework for organizing community preparedness efforts, Examples of Natural disasters (alphabetical), blizzards, earthquakes, extreme heat, floods, hurricanes, landslides, thunderstorms, tornadoes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, wildfires, Examples of Technological & Accidental disasters (alphabetical), hazardous material spill, oil spill, nuclear power plant accident, radiation leaks, Examples of Terrorism disasters (alphabetical), biological, chemical, explosive weapons, nuclear, radiological, (1) relatively unexpected the CERT incident commander/team leader reports to the ______, the top of the chain, fire suppression, search and rescue, and medical report to the ______ section chief, documentation and incident status report to the ______ section chief, ______ section chief, ______ section chief, ______ section chief, and the ______ section chief all report to the CERT incident commander/team leader, operation, planning, logistics, administration, list CERT the PPE The training model that the LAFD initiated was adopted by other fire departments around the country, including communities where the major threat is hurricanes rather than earthquakes. Develop Plan of Action 8. * Resources and skills within the community To put their Scouting knowledge and skills to use BE B. CERT is a training program that prepares Floridians to help their families and neighbors in the event of a disaster in their community. \quad\text{Borrowing from the public}&\text{8,390.4}&\text{7,037.5}\\ 1 minute. D. Distributing political pamphlets and other materials, There are five types of disasters. \quad\text{Subtotal-cash flow from financing}&\underline{\text{\hspace{15pt}844.0}}&\underline{\hspace{15pt}\text{540.2}}\\[5pt] . Damage to . Explain to the president why the step-down method provides a better basis for computing predetermined overhead rates than the direct method. \text{Leasehold improvements}&\text{0.6}&\text{10.4}&\text{0.3}&\text{6.3}&\text{0.3}&\text{4.1}\\ \textbf{Property, Plan, and Equipment}\\ * Technological (e. g., hazardous material spill, nuclear power plant accident) & \textbf{Invoice} && \textbf{Post.} * Locating and turning off (1)__________________, if safe to do so D. Four, A woman comes up to a disaster scene that you have determined is unsafe to enter. UNITEDSTATESGOVERNMENTStatementsofChangesinCashBalancefromUnifiedBudgetandOtherActivitiesFortheYearsEndedSeptember30,2016,and2015(inbillionsofdollars), CashflowfromunifiedbudgetactivitiesTotalunifiedbudgetaryreceipts3,266.73,248.7Totalunifiedbudgetaryoutlays(3,854.1)(3,687.6)Unifiedbudgetdeficit(587.4)(438.9)Adjustmentsfornon-cashoutlaysincludedintheunifiedbudgetInterestaccruedonTreasurysecuritiesheldbythepublic264.1254.4Agenciesyear-endcreditreformsubsidyre-estimates(12.7)26.8Subsidyexpenseaccruedunderdirectloan&guaranteeprograms11.8(22.0)Subtotal-Adjustmentsfornon-cashtransactionsinunifiedbudget263.2250.2CashflowfromactivitiesnotincludedinunifiedbudgetCashflowfromnon-budgetactivitiesInterestpaidonTreasurysecuritiesheldbythepublic(262.7)(243.5)Otherdirectloantransactions(80.3)(119.9)Repaymentofprincipalondirectloans(11.6)17.4Otherguaranteedloantransactions(10.2)9.8Miscellaneousliabilities1.6(0.3)Depositfundliabilitybalances(0.7)20.5Seignorage0.60.6Subtotal-cashflowfromnon-budgetactivities(363.3)(315.4)CashflowfrommonetarytransactionsLoanstotheIMF0.93.0Othermonetaryassets1.90.6Specialdrawingrights(0.3)(2.9)Subtotal-cashflowfrommonetarytransactions2.50.7CashflowfromfinancingBorrowingfromthepublic8,390.47,037.5Repaymentofdebtheldbythepublic(7,343.3)(6,700.6)EffectofuninvestedprincipalfromtheThriftSavingsPlan(TSP)GFund(203.2)203.2Agencysecurities0.10.1Subtotal-cashflowfromfinancing844.0540.2Other0.53.4Changeincashbalance159.540.2Beginningcashbalance305.1264.9Endingcashbalance464.6305.1\begin{array}{lrrr} (4a)(bc)(4 \mathbf{a}) \cdot(\mathbf{b} \times \mathbf{c})(4a)(bc). The first step in doing so is to register with the Emergency System for Advance Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals (ESAR-VHP). Home and work geneticmosaicsi. B. maternaleffectgenes12. Install hurricane storm shutters to protect windows How far away should possible flammable vegetation be away from a home to reduce a wildfire? *Volunteer programs. Log in for more information. \quad\text{Other direct loan transactions}&\text{(80.3)}&\text{(119.9)}\\ Evaluate Progress what variables need to be taken into account for each question? B. D. Hotel Buildings, What are the five Fs? A. Ensure personal and family safety. 2; sec. They are natural, terrorist, home fires, pandemic and ______________. In addition, there were no collections during the period. homeodomain6. Find the cost. This program educates people about disaster preparedness and how to protect your family, neighbors, and co-workers in a disaster or emergency situation. Your local CERT leader \text{Cafeteria}&&\$\hspace{10pt}320,000*\\ D. the bathrooms, Structural precautions The answer key to IS 317.a Introduction to Community Emergency Response Teams. D. how much one can talk in a meeting environment, What do citizen coalition members help to do? A. D. Using the sterile dressings in your supply kit, apply pressure directly to the wound, .Which of these is not a possible impact of utilities damage? Increased risk of damage from falling debris haploinsufficiencyd. B. food items I don't think he can breathe!" assess their own needs and the needs of those in their immediate environment. Weegy: The main feature of the CERT Program: educates volunteers about disaster preparedness for the hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, [ and disaster medical operations. ] C. community.fema.org C. bring government and community leaders together to ensure emergency plans more effectively reflect the community's needs, challenges, capabilities, and resources Damage to . \quad\text{Total unified budgetary outlays}&\underline{\text{(3,854.1)}}&\underline{\text{(3,687.6)}}\\ REVENUEJOURNAL, InvoicePost.AccountsRec. B. D. explosion site, What are possible transportation impacts? A. signaltransductionpathways13. D. The National CERT Program Office, Which of the following forms contains essential information for tracking the overall situation? installing vinyl sheet flooring on wall . substancewhoseconcentrationdeterminescellfatesg. 1) Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). encodeproteinsthataccumulateinunfertilizedeggsandareneededforembryodevelopmentk. ), you discharge the extinguisher. \quad\text{Subtotal}&\underline{\underline{\text{\hspace{2pt}1,588.2}}}&\underline{\underline{\text{\hspace{10pt}565.9}}}&\underline{\underline{\text{\hspace{2pt}876.3}}}&\underline{\underline{\text{\hspace{10pt}298.3}}}&\underline{\underline{\text{\hspace{2pt}711.9}}}&\underline{\underline{\text{\hspace{2pt}267.6}}}\\ * Identifies personnel, equipment, facilities, supplies, and other resources available within the jurisdiction or by agreement with other jurisdictions for use during response and recovery operations In short, the EOP describes how the community will function in an emergency. Falling panels Structures D. All of the above, What are possible impacts of financial services damages? D. repeatedly replaying the traumatic event, What are some ways you can reduce stress Evaluation checklist * Ambulances prevented from reaching survivors D. Eat icecream, You remember from the news report that the potential plot was uncovered when an electrical plant security guard noticed the same black van parked outside for over a week. - locate and label utility _____ any measure not requiring physical construction, any physical construction to reduce/avoid possible impacts of hazards in structures or systems. B. Assess situation 2. D. clothing and bedding items, what kit: Personal hygiene items* Plastic bucket with tight lid Liquid hand sanitizer Mitigation can include non-structural measures, structural changes, and purchasing appropriate insurance. A. Freeze, Fire, Flame, Frigid, Food A. Can my buddy and I fight the fire safely? A. Denial C. Headaches D. Loss of appetite, What should you do to sterilize the water for medical use? \text{b. regulative determination} & \text{2. initiated by the binding of ligand to receptor}\\ After all, he says, you are a trained CERT member. individualswithcellsofmorethanonegenotyped. C. structurally sound \quad\text{Interest accrued on Treasury securities held by the public}&\text{264.1}&\text{254.4}\\ You follow others outside to find what caused the noise. Round to the nearest cent or tenth of a percent. Members are taught to_________________________ ______________________________________________________ first. Loss of service atagusedtofollowproteinsinlivingcells\begin{array}{ll} A. Volunteer Training Certification. Volunteer Hours Tracking: Volunteer time can be used to help with cost share during disasters. Storing specific items in the room is helpful. ___________________ should be a last resort. An unknown blood-borne disease Identify the base case. \text{Milling}&&416,000\\ CERT members gather at the pre-established staging area to ______ and ______ tasking assignments. (3) lives, health, and the environment are endangered, What are the three most important things at risk in the case of an emergency/disaster. Markup =$75= \$75=$75; markup rate of 60%60\%60% based on the selling price. is interrupted C. 8 drops What are the foundation for a more resilient community? aDNA-bindingmotiffoundincertaintranscriptionfactorsj. Quickly search the ground floor * N95 Mask Suppress and overhaul the fire because the numbers in the Diamond are small and indicate that little risk is present A. c. local schools, food businesses, and human resources D. none of the above, What should members of the public do in emergency settings? Taking preparatory action can reassure you and your children that you can exert a measure of control even in the face of such events. (4) staff first aid booths at special events what is a person who interprets dreams called no refund policy template shopify how do cert volunteers prepare for disasters quizlet. C. Ensure personal and family safety D. Do the greatest good for the greatest number of people, CERT members volunteer to fill non-disaster roles. A critical early decision in disasters is decided whether to stay or change locations, Seek _____ air and _______ breathing passages, protect from debris and signal others for help, What do you take to a mass care or community shelter. . What are things to consider when taking local hazard vulnerability into account?